
Preparing for a College Interview

Many colleges, especially the private ones, give students the opportunity to have an interview as part of their application process. These interviews can be on campus, in your hometown in person, or via Zoom. The interviewer might be a member of the admissions...

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Thinking About Becoming a Doctor?

Choosing a College for Pre-Health Professions If you’re considering becoming a doctor, dentist, veterinarian, physician’s assistant, physical therapist, or other health profession requiring several years of graduate or professional training after college, there are...

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Core Misunderstandings of the College Admissions Process

We all start exploring going to college with a set of assumptions based on our own experiences, those of our families and friends, and google searches. CONFUSION is the common result of these random conversations and miscellaneous information sources. That's where...

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My College Bucket List

  My College Bucket List The more accurately you can describe the things that matter to you in your college experience, the more likely you are to apply to schools that have those qualities. Here are some things you might want to consider as you build your ideal...

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Building Your College List

How do you figure out where to apply to college?  Many students have a few colleges in mind by the time they reach their junior year. But often this list is a random list of places they might have visited, schools their friends or family have gone to, teams they...

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Understanding Financial Aid and Scholarships

Coming to terms with the incredibly high cost of going to college, and then understanding how much your family will be expected to pay are conversations we have have with families on a daily basis.  Figuring out how to decrease this cost through scholarships,...

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Idaho Colleges, Universities and Technical Training Programs

Public Colleges and Universities (4 years or more) Boise State University University of Idaho College of Southern Idaho Lewis-Clark State College Idaho State University Public Community or 2-Year Degree Colleges College of Western Idaho North Idaho College Eastern...

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Testing and Registration Timelines

Watch for free test prep sessions at your high school or other high schools in your district. The ACT and SAT websites have great access to practice tests free of charge, and some more extensive packages for a fee. ACT practice here. Private tutoring is available,...

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