Preparing for a College Interview

Preparing for a College Interview

Many colleges, especially the private ones, give students the opportunity to have an interview as part of their application process. These interviews can be on campus, in your hometown in person, or via Zoom. The interviewer might be a member of the admissions staff...
Thinking About Becoming a Doctor?

Thinking About Becoming a Doctor?

Choosing a College for Pre-Health Professions If you’re considering becoming a doctor, dentist, veterinarian, physician’s assistant, physical therapist, or other health profession requiring several years of graduate or professional training after college, there are...
My College Bucket List

My College Bucket List

  My College Bucket List The more accurately you can describe the things that matter to you in your college experience, the more likely you are to apply to schools that have those qualities. Here are some things you might want to consider as you build your ideal...